The KZN Department of Transport announces R250m upgrade to Ndwedwe road
The KZN Department of Transport announced the R250 million investment in the upgrade from gravel to tar of P712 in Ndwedwe, in the Ilembe District Municipality on 3 July. The 44 kilometre road stretches across Maphumulo through Ndwedwe (from eSidumbini through eMthandeni to Glendal), oThongathi to Durban. It also connects to Wartburg through to Pietermaritzburg.
The investment adds to an existing spectrum of road construction projects in Ilembe District, amounting to more than R1 billion including P711 from Maphumulo to Glendale; P104 from Shakaskraal to Glendale; D883 in Ndulinde; P714 from oThongathi to Kwasonkombe; P415 in Mandeni from N2 to uThukela Mouth; P100 from Verulam to eNanda, as well as vehicle and pedestrian bridges across uThukela river.