Kuyaqala Ukuhlolwa Ngokwezempilo Komphakathi

Ezinsukwini nasemavikini azayo, onompilo abangu-10 000 bazobekwa kulo lonke izwe ukuhlola umuzi nomuzi emiphakathini yakithi esengcupheni enkulu. Onompilo bazohlinzekwa ngemifaniswano nezigqebhezana ezizotshengisa ukuthi bangobani okuzokwenza kube lula ukuthi umphakathi ubabone futhi ubavulele.

Lo msebenzi uzokwenzeka ngokulandela indlela ehlosiwe ngokwezigaba kanti izindawo eziminyene kakhulu zizovakashelwa ngehlandla lokuqala.


 Ukuhlolwa kuyindlela yabezempilo yokuthola ukuthi ngabe unayo noma cha i-COVID-19. Unompilo uzokubuza imibuzo bese ehlola izinga lokushisa kwakho ngokuhambisa umshini esiphongweni sakho.

Unompilo uzokubuza ukuthi:

  1. Uke wavakashela na ezweni esilithatha njengeliyingozi ezinsukwini eziyi-14 ezedlule,
  2. Uke wathintana na nanoma wubani okuqinisekiswe ukuthi une-COVID-19 ezinsukwini eziyi-14 ezedlule,
  3. Unazo na izimpawu ezifana nemfiva, ukukhwehlela kanye nokuphefumula kanzima.

Uma uke wavakashela izwe esilithatha njengeliyingozi noma uke wathintana nomuntu one-COVID-19, kuzomele uzivalele wedwana, uqhele kwabanye ukuze bangatheleleki.

Lokhu kusho ukuthi kumele uhlale ekhaya izinsuku ezingu-14 uzigade ngokubhekisisa izimpawu ezifana nokukhwehlela okomile, imfiva nokuphefumula kanzima ukuthi ziyaqhubeka na. Ziqhelelanise nabantu abadala kanye nabantu ababuthaka empilweni noma abanokugula okufana nomfutho wegazi ophakeme noma abanesifo sikashukela.

Onompilo bazodlulisela abantu abasolakala ngokuba negciwane le-corona (COVID-19) esikhungweni somphakathi sezempilo, emtholampilo noma esibhedlela esiseduze. Nasezikhungweni zokunakekela kwempilo nakomahambanendlwana kuzokwenziwa ukuhlola.

Akuwona wonke umuntu ozohlolwa kepha, onompilo bazosebenzisa indlela yokubala ngokubuka ukuthi ngabe izimpawu onazo zibucayi kangakanani nokuthi bungakanani ubungozi okubo.

Ukuhlolwa kwenziwa ngokuthatha isampula emzimbeni wesiguli okufana nokudonsa uketshezi emakhaleni noma ukudonsa igazi, okuzobe sekuyohlolwa elebhu (lab) igciwane le-corona noma okunye okungadingeki emzimbeni.


Sifisa ukuqinisekisa abantu baseNingizimu Afrika ukuthi abasebenzi abazobe besebenza ngaphandle kanye nalabo abasebenza phambili kwezempilo bazohlinzekwa ngokokuzivikela okwanele.

Sikuzwile ukukhathazeka kwabasebenzi bethu bezempilo futhi sifisa ukubaqinisekisa ukuthi ukuphepha kwabo kubaluleke kakhulu. Sizokwenza konke okusemandleni ukugcina abasebenzi bethu bezempilo bephephile.


Abantu baseNingizimu Afrika mabalisabele ngobuningi ikhwelo likahulumeni. Iningi lilokhu liyidlala indima yalo ukuqeda ukubhebhetheka kwegciwane le-corona. Noma kunjalo, kumele sihlale siqaphele futhi ngeke sikwazi ukuyekelela nje.

Ubusika buyeza futhi lokhu kungashintsha ubume besimo esikuso njengamanje sibe bucayi kakhudlwana. Siyazi ukuthi ukuvalwa kwezwe kuyasebenza ngokubona ukwenza kahle kwamanye amazwe athathe isinqumo sokubeka imikhawulo efanayo.

Ngokulandela iminqubo-migomo, ukuhlala ekhaya, ukulandela izindlela zenhlanzeko nokusebenza ngokubambisana sinethuba elihle kakhulu lokunqanda ukubhebhetheka.

Noma kunjalo, sikhathazekile ngalabo bantu abangakabuboni ubucayi balesi sifo. Lesi sifo sikhona ngempela futhi sinobungozi obukhulu kithina sonke kanye nomphakathi wakithi. Sihlasela ocebile nohlwempu, omncane nomdala, onsundu nomhlophe, labo abahlala emadolobheni nalabo abahlala ezindaweni zasemakhaya.

Ngaso sonke isikhathi uma uphula iminqubo-mgomo, uzibeka wena nabanye engcupheni, futhi usiza ukubhebhethekisa igciwane.


SASSA Grant Payment Dates Changed

Lessons learnt from the last payment cycle during the National Lockdown have compelled SASSA to review the payment dates going forward. As from the month of May 2020 disability and Older Persons Grants will be paid from the 4th day of the month. All other grants will be paid from the 6th of every month.

The grant payment for April was brought forward to the 30 March 2020 and the first two days were dedicated to people with disabilities and older persons to ensure compliance with the State of Disaster requirements. Impatient child support grant beneficiaries could not wait for the 1st of April and descended upon payment channels as early as 30 March. This posed all sorts of health challenges and it became difficult at some stores and ATM’s to maintain social distancing. There was also a nasty scene in a Dobsonville shopping centre in Soweto where a group of youngsters were captured on video pushing older people in order to access payment infrastructure first.

In response to this unpleasant experience, SASSA started consulting role players such as National Treasury, South African Post Office, the banking association, retailers, and the consumer goods council among others. What came out of the consultations is that people with disabilities and the aged need to be protected from the month end rush at payment outlets and therefore payment needs to be staggered in such a way that these categories of beneficiaries receive their grants before others. To effect this SASSA will make use of two payment files. The first one will cover the aged and the disabled while the second payment file will cover all other grant types.

Some older persons use one card to also receive child support and foster child grants. In such cases they will be able to access all linked grants from the 4th of every month. Once the money is in the account, it will remain there until it is needed.

“Money deposited into your account is safe and will not be taken back if not used. There is no need to rush to withdraw cash on the first day we deposit it into your account. The SASSA card can be used as a debit card to pay for purchases, therefore it is not necessary to withdraw cash and thereafter purchase goods with the cash”; Busisiwe Memela SASSA CEO pleaded with beneficiaries.

Media inquiries should be forwarded to Paseka Letsatsi on 082 883 9969 or PasekaL@sassa.gov.za

Issued by Government Communications (GCIS) on behalf of South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)

08 April 2020