President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Speech in Summary
MHLAKA 21 April 2020, uMengameli wezwe uMnu Cyril Ramaphosa wethule inkulumo esizweni ebiqondene ngqo nezinhlelo zikaHulumeni zokuhlenga isimo somnotho, amabhizinisi nokuhlenga isimo sempilo kwizakhamizi kulesi sikhathi esinzima sika “thaqa” i-national lockdown ngenxa yomkhuhlane Icovid-19.
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SASSA Grant Payment Dates Changed
Lessons learnt from the last payment cycle during the National Lockdown have compelled SASSA to review the payment dates going forward. As from the month of May 2020 disability and Older Persons Grants will be paid from the 4th day of the month. All other grants will be paid from the 6th of every month.
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Kuyaqala Ukuhlolwa Ngokwezempilo Komphakathi
Ezinsukwini nasemavikini azayo, onompilo abangu-10 000 bazobekwa kulo lonke izwe ukuhlola umuzi nomuzi emiphakathini yakithi esengcupheni enkulu. Onompilo bazohlinzekwa ngemifaniswano nezigqebhezana ezizotshengisa ukuthi bangobani okuzokwenza kube lula ukuthi umphakathi ubabone futhi ubavulele.
State of Disaster Regulations to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Gazetted: Infographics
With government having declared a national state of disaster amid the COVID-19 virus outbreak, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has gazetted regulations aimed at containing the spread. For more information, see State of Disaster Regulations.
Mayor of Ndwedwe Cllr NV Chili with a message to Ndwedwe residents on COVID19
More Multimedia
- Info awareness on COVID19
- INkosi Khumalo Chairperson of Amakhosi aseNdwedwe on COVID19 and the role of traditional leaders in a pandemic like this
- Apostle PI Ngcobo Chairperson of NDW Civil Society and Local Fraternal on COVID19